Friday, March 28, 2008
birthday list
To go to windsor shopping and these clothes here.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
girls are prudes
Well I leave in two days and I am pretty excited. I have been having trouble falling asleep the past few days because I just keep thinking about all the things I am going to be doing. I usually just lay in bed for an hour or two before I fall asleep which sucks and throws off my sleeping pattern.
Today I had my little brothers stay home and we hung out and watched episodes of the Simpson's for about 3 hours, I really enjoyed that. I like spending time hanging out with them, except my brother Eddie can be a real brat sometimes.
I am going give my mailing address to anyone that wants it so if you read this leave a comment with your email address or email me your mailing address and I will send a letter to you with the return address in it.(I have anonymous commenting allowed so you don't need to make an account to comment) I am also going to try and post updates on here as well when I can briefly highlighting what I have done and what I am up to during my training but I don't know when I will be able to get on a computer.
I didn't make a post about my Easter but all I really have to say about it is that I had an amazing time, drank whiskey with some family, saw family I have not seen in a long time, and had a great dinner. It was pretty much awesome in every aspect. I will post a few pictures from it.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Swearing In
The night before my swearing in ceremony Dan took us all out to dinner at Boston Pizza. I had never been before and it was pretty good. My stomach the next day did not agree but I thought it was good food and awesome fun. When Dan told the waiter that it was in my honor for joining the army he shook my hand and said thank you. I don't really feel like I have done anything of being thanked for yet but I thanked him for saying that and that it was really awesome of him to do so.

The next day I got sworn into the armed forces Thursday Morning and I am now officially a member of the army as an untrained private recruit. Doesn't sound like a very exciting title but I am ecstatic and I am very anxious to start my training. When I arrived at the recruiting center I had to sign a few documents stating that my medical and personal life had not changed since the last time I was at the recruiting center for my interview. I then waited in a conference type room where they do the actual swearing in with some family as well as another person who was being sworn in with his family. I had about 12 people come to watch on my side so I thought that was pretty awesome.
We waited a little while because another person was supposed to show up to do their swearing in as well but he was running late so we went ahead with just the two of ours. It was very brief, I pledged an oath to the queen, Canada and god, signed a document and received a certificate stating that I am now a member of the forces and then stood for the playing of Oh Canada. The officer who presided over the ceremony was a really nice guy.
After that the family members watched a video on basic training and asked some questions to one of the recruiters who was there while the other forces member and myself signed and went over a bunch of paperwork in another room. It was a pretty surreal experience now that all the waiting and work up has led to this and whats still coming.
Once the paperwork was all done with we went out to join our family members again where the recruiter was still answering questions. We did that for a little bit and then my family all wanted to take pictures with me. My Nana gave me a digital camera that my aunt had given me which is awesome because I wanted one for when I left. Scott got me a little photo printer for the camera as well which I thought was really cool too.
We then went out for lunch to Harry's open kitchen which was delicious and really fun. I am really enjoying spending time with family as much as possible.
A couple Pictures here from dinner and the swearing in.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I am le tired
I only got 5 hours of sleep last night and then I decided to go for a jog, not to mention I have been awake since five am. Tomorrow my moms bf Dan is taking us all out to dinner before I get sworn in on Thursday. I think we are gonna go to Boston Pizza, the choices are pretty slim out here. I am looking forward to it because I want to enjoy my last little while before I leave as much as possible, especially since I don't know when we will be able to do it again. It is kind of depressing to think about that kind of stuff but I guess that comes with growing up and moving on.
The internet is a great tool. I have been talking to people I'm gonna be training with and its definitely awesome to be getting to know them before going. If not to at least have some people that I have talked to on the internet at least. Most of them are around 24-25 so I feel pretty young in comparison.
I also realised the other day my birthday is going to be during the third month of my training which will be pretty different then any other birthday I have ever had I can guarantee that. I am gonna tell my mom I want a digital camera and then she can send it to me so I can capture the last bit of bmq for my memoriesssssssss lol
And with that I leave you with this picture.

Monday, March 17, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
yet another army update...I'm so one dimensional
I usually go on the website a few times a week. It is a very good resource to find out pretty much anything you want to know about the armed forces. Anyways, I e-met a guy that is going to be on the same basic training course as I am so that is pretty cool, and I also found out there's a bunch of us catching the train from London to Montreal at the same time. I was told theres gonna be about 5 other people at the ceremony with me, so that will make the 9 hour plus trip a little bit better getting to know some of the people I will be with 24/7 for the next 3 months. I did a search on the via rail site and the ticket for the train costs about 300 bucks, and thats out of the governments pocket biatch. When I have my ceremony I pledge an allegiance, get a certificate, and then have to do a bunch of paperwork while my family "gets" to watch a video about basic training.
I made a little map/diagram of where I will be over the next 7 or so months and beyond. It is below for your viewing pleasure in all its paint glory. I told them I wanted to be stationed in petawawa but this could still mean I could be posted to Gagetown, New Brunswick but I was told I wouldn't be so I guess we will see.
I made a little map/diagram of where I will be over the next 7 or so months and beyond. It is below for your viewing pleasure in all its paint glory. I told them I wanted to be stationed in petawawa but this could still mean I could be posted to Gagetown, New Brunswick but I was told I wouldn't be so I guess we will see.
A) This is where I start. I take a train from London to Toronto and then transfer to another train out to Montreal on March 29th.
B) When I get to Montreal I have to get to St Jean Quebec to go to my 13 week basic training course.
C) After Basic training I head to Borden, Ontario where I have my infantry training course for 14 weeks.
D) Petawawa is my final destination where I will be attached to either the 1st or 3rd battallion of the Royal Canadian Regiment.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
busy times in the world of AEDR
So I haven't posted in a while so I figured I would do sort of a recap of my past week. I guess I will start with the...
My sister, her boyfriend and the baby came down from Friday to Sunday. We don't normally do to much, or anything really exciting. The Friday we got take out and rented some movies. I got a gyro from pita pit and others got the same thing as well as some Chinese food. We enjoyed watching the move Death Sentence with Kevin Bacon. I really liked it because it is a very raw and gritty film, I mostly just like the style of the violence.
The Saturday we stayed in due to the horrific snow storm that was unleashed on our small crappy town. I had to shovel the driveway two times that day...TWO TIMES IN ONE DAY!! my earlobes even froze. Then we stayed up late playing monopoly and my sister and I decided to call it tie game when it got late and we didn't want to play anymore.
Sunday we didn't really do too much, sat around being lazy. Then we had to squeeze 4 adults, 2 kids, and a baby into a 5 seater jeep. That was a very uncomfortable drive into London that is for sure. We got to London and were at my sisters apartment for a while then my little brothers dad picked up myself and my brothers and went to his house to spend the night.
I woke up pretty early. I needed to shave and get ready for my interview. My interview was for 9 am and I arrived at the recruiting center maybe at about 8:58. Fortunately that was alright because it took a little while for the captain who interviewed me to get ready. He was a really nice guy and the interview went really smoothly lasting about an hour. I am legally not allowed to discuss what was discussed in the interview so that's pretty much all I can say about that. When the interview was done I was told that I was on the merit list, the merit list is basically saying your application is complete and now you are just waiting for a job offer and a basic training date, so at that point I was pretty much in and I was very happy. I got picked up from my interview when it was done and went back to my brothers dads house for the rest of the day and hung out with my brothers playing games, and watching movies.
I had checked the phone messages and I had already gotten a call back about an open position for a basic training course starting on March 17th. I knew that was too soon but I wanted some time to think about it so I said I would call them back. I then had to go to the masonville area with my brothers while their dad went to a job interview.
We walked around to best buy where they bought the Simpson's Movie(which I love), then we went to the pet store (pet smart I think?) and we looked at the animals and lizards and stuff and my brother got some treats for his ferret, we then walked over to Chapters and my brothers got some books and then we went to McDonald's where my bro's got some food while we waited to get picked up. I wish I had known I was going to be staying in London for as long as I did because then I could of planned to do something with friends while I was down, but alas I did not. I also planned on calling the recruiting center back that day as well but we didn't get back to the apartment in time.
Since I was not able to call the previous day to the recruiting center I called almost as soon as they opened. I told them that the 17th would be too soon and I was then told a course starting on the 31st was available and told them that would be perfect. It took me almost 7 months to finish my application process and get into basic training and I was very excited that it was finally done.
Later in the day I went over to visit my nana and papa, my little cousin zhoe was there as well. I don't get to see my family on that side as often as I wish I could so I was happy I was able to. We stayed at my grandparents house for a little while and then my little brothers and their dad went back to his apartment while I stayed to go out to dinner with my aunt and her new husband.
We dropped off my cousin at my uncles house before going to dinner. I had not seen my uncle in a very long time so it was definitely really good to see him even though we didn't stay very long.
I had dinner at a Greek restaurant out in Hyde park where I got a delicious souvlaki. Then we went and I got to see my aunts new house, which was very nice. I really missed my aunt so it was really good to see her as well.
I was then dropped off at my brothers dads to spend the night.
Thursday, or in other, we drove back here to Chatham around lunch time. I haven't done too much today. I needed to go out to buy a bunch of stuff from walmart, the dollar store, and future shop for when I leave for basic training. I mostly needed hygiene products and cleaning stuff. Then I came home and was really bored and decided to write a blog about my week.
I guess that leads me to right now....
Friday, March 7, 2008
RIP Brett Favres career
He has officially retired from the NFL. Next season just will not be the same without him.
I hope that they have Aaron Rodgers on as the new starting quarterback, that will be cool. It will also be funny....cause its my name too ^__^
Update - The era of Aaron Rodgers begins...NLF season 08-09
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Army Talk
Well I just got off the phone with my file manager for the army and told her that I have been waiting for a while to get the letter from the credit company saying that it was paid off. I told her I had been emailing them and asked if I could send that in instead and she said she would show her supervising officer and see if it would be sufficient. Another bit of good news is that they are filling up courses for the end of March and as long as I get all my stuff in order asap I can be put onto one of those course. Needless to say I am excited and I feel as giddy as a little school girl about to see a backstreet boys concert.
Okay, so I just got off the phone with the recruiting center again and I now have an interview scheduled for Monday morning. She even said it will be a short interview so I am pretty sure that means I am almost guaranteed a job offer and will be starting basic training sometime this month. I am stokin!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
stay at home chef
sweet barbecue pork tenderloin, creamy cesar salad, roasted vegetables/potatoes, and some delicious steamed green beans....I am excited for some dinner!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Since past Friday I have been alone at home mostly just with my little brothers. My sister has been home but mostly she was out and about at her friends houses. I haven't really done much though which isn't much of a difference anyways. My mom went to her bf's parents cabin. She was supposed to be home today but apparently she fell while snowboarding and bruised her ribs.
I have been making some good food too while she was gone. I have made battered southern spicy shrimp, spicy steak, creamy smashed potatoes, the best pancakes ever, beer chicken, and a very creamy chicken Cesar salad...mmmmmm.
I have also started watching project runway Canada which I was very speculative before watching it because I enjoy the American one, but its actually pretty good. I don't like many of the people on the show though but whatever. I really like Stephen, Lucien and Biddel, but I hate Megan, the freakish looking french girl, the fat Asian girl, and the two black girls. Everyone else is just forgettable. I also wish Lincoln stayed on longer.
I have been making some good food too while she was gone. I have made battered southern spicy shrimp, spicy steak, creamy smashed potatoes, the best pancakes ever, beer chicken, and a very creamy chicken Cesar salad...mmmmmm.
I have also started watching project runway Canada which I was very speculative before watching it because I enjoy the American one, but its actually pretty good. I don't like many of the people on the show though but whatever. I really like Stephen, Lucien and Biddel, but I hate Megan, the freakish looking french girl, the fat Asian girl, and the two black girls. Everyone else is just forgettable. I also wish Lincoln stayed on longer.
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