Tuesday, September 30, 2008

sorry for lack of entries

I have been really busy this past little while with 4 tests at school, and hanging out with Avery! I have passed the two tests I have gotten back so far and even got an A- on my accounting test!!! I think I did well on my other tests as well so I am hoping that I did.

This past weekend I pretty much hung out with Avery every day and that was pretty sweet. She took me to see Eagle Eye on Sunday which I thought was really good! Even though it was pretty crazy with the plot and everything it was still a good mindless popcorn movie.

Tonight is Steve's first hockey game of his season and I am looking forward to that but even more so for Crabby Joe's afterwards :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Life update #119

So I haven't blogged in a while. I am sorry to the few people who actually read this on a regular basis! I was going good there for a little while! Anyways new updates in my life!

1. Dating/Seeing someone
Whatever you want to call it, most important news is number 1. I am seeing Avery now, officially! Well officially that it is on facebook anyways which these days is what makes it official. I have liked her for a while and I am glad she feels the same way! I had been single for a while and was ready for a relationship and met the right person at the right time. Plus shes really cute so where can I go wrong? I just enjoy being around her :)

2. School status
School is going pretty well for me! I had a math test though which I don't think I did very well on. Maybe around a 70-75%? I guess which isnt too bad but I wanted to do better. I just really suck at algebra. Other then that though school is going well! I em enjoying my classes and my teachers are also good!

3. General Life update
Other then those two things everything else is pretty much the same. Over the past weekend there were a few parties in Briars honor and her going away. I am going to miss her a lot and I hope that we can go visit her at some point during the 9 months she is away. I am also going out to lunch with my nana and aunt Mary tomorrow and I am really looking forward to that as well.

Tomorrow is my short day at school and I am off to play some video games with cory!


I'll blog soon...hopefully!

Friday, September 5, 2008

hey baby

So I just finished my first week of school. It went by pretty quickly but that might be due to the fact that monday was a holiday so it wasn't technically a full week. Anyways I like my classes and my professors so far, they have been enjoyable.

I hang out with Avery like every day and I love it! Its awesome to have her so close by to hangout whenever! :E

ummm nothing really else new though. I get my osap money on monday, or at least I better be getting it monday! So it will be nice to be able to get a cell and to get some new clothes!

Oh and I also want these shoes! click for a bigger view!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

heart melter

I watch this video pretty much just for this part, so adorable!

First Day Jitters

Well I just got home from my first day of school 2 hours early. I got done so soon because they pushed the two classes together and shortened them instead of having a lunch break between the two. It was mostly just a "this is what to expect" type of deal and nothing really else. I wasn't really expecting that, I thought I was going to be thrust right into it and have 5 hours of homework and reading on the first night, I guess I was mistaken.

I didn't really talk to anyone today other then a few people in class. Tuesdays I have accounting for 2 hours and then an hour of macro economics after an hour lunch. I did not enjoy waking up so damn early this morning and I am definitely going to have to get used to that. Tomorrow is the longest day of the week, I start at 9 and go until 3 so that should be fun but then thursday its only a 10-12 day.

Anyways I am going to go to walmart to pick up some school supplies and whatever else I need there.