Wednesday, October 29, 2008

life update! in photos!

All of these pictures I will provide a brief story behind. They will show you what I have done in the past 2 months, things I like doing, places I like going and the girl I'm seeing ;)

When Eli Got Out :(
This happened on Avery and my one month. Eli got out of his house on a Friday and this picture was taken on the Sunday of the same weekend. Luckily he was found and brought back to Avery!

The Haunted House
This one kind of goes with the last one. Only because I saw this house when I went out on a walk to look for Eli the night he got out and then I came across this house. I thought it was really sweet so I brought Avery to go see it when I met up with her. The guy is puking blood into a bucket by the way through the means of an electric pump !

Friends Thanksgiving
We had a little thanksgiving dinner with just us friends. I made the turkey and it was delicious!

Steve's Hockey Nights
Every Tuesday night we all get together and go watch Steve play hockey! I think its a pretty good time and I get to cuddle Avery to keep her warm.

Britt and Corys computer
We sit around her computer a lot...mostly watching youtube!

School is going pretty well. I am not failing anything and overall I have been getting pretty good marks which I am happy about.

The Couches
If you have slept at Britt's/Cory's/Steve's house then you more then likely have slept on these couches. They are a pain in the ass to sleep on but it means I get to cuddle Avery so it makes it worth a sore back!

Coffee Culture: The Cafe Bean Killer
So a new coffee place opened up and I love it there. I always get a french vanilla latte because its amazing. The BLT is also quite good!

Briar Went Away :(
This picture shows a going away/toga party we had for Briar. I really miss her and shes gone until April I beleive.

I am now batman.


Chelseas visits
She doesnt come down that much but when she does its always good! I am going to be seeing her this weekend and I am looking forward to it.

The Best For Last
So things have been going really well with Avery and she makes me really happy! :) I cant say I miss her purple hair though!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Molson Canadian

So I haven't blogged in a while and I thought I would! I got to see Briar this weekend which was awesome! I missed her and it was really good to see her when she was down for the holiday weekend. We watched a sweet movie that somehow managed to squeeze into it zombies, hitler and 80's hair put it simply it was amazing.

I had a really good thanksgiving with a lot of family that came down which was really fun. Although my grandma did faint and we had to have paramedics come to the house which was scary, but she was alright and didn't have to go to the hospital. We then proceeded to stuff ourselves silly and then the family watched step brothers together!

Avery has been sick for the past couple of days and it has been making me worry about her. I have been trying to take care of her the best I can but she doesn't seem to want to let me. We have just been hanging out and relaxing this weekend. Which has been good :)

I shaved my beard finally into a trucker stach and some sweet sideburns... I am pretty badass right now!

Friday, October 3, 2008


Which I really like.