Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

This is a picture of the place that I work!

click to see it enlarge

This is pokemon cosplay done right

This is not


Rick Springfield - Jessie's Girl Official Music Video

I have had this song stuck in my head.


Family Guy - Consuela Phone Number

You can't watch this without laughing.

Oh Jason

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Preston!

I just wanna get rich so I can buy all of this

The Evolution of Nicolas Cage's Hair

An homage to moshing?

Either way a really good track.

This is my fuck you to valentines day....decals!


This was on the wall in a catholic elementary school

My brother has the same number as michael jordan

The Greatest Youtube Video of ALL Time

So I am at my families which should be obvious since I am actually blogging. I have been downloading so many shows and movies to keep me busy during my downtime at home. Probably at least around 15 gb's or so worth. I also realized today that my two favorite movies of all time are Back to the Future and the Great Escape. Both are amazing examples of cinema and are movies I can watch over and over again without getting bored of.

In more personal matters than my favorite movies however I have a very important observation to make. Why is it that girls I am interested in aren't interested in me but girls I am not interested in are? I'm not about to be with someone just to be with someone. Sometimes I feel as though I am too picky or I just like to torture myself. Maybe I am a masochist?

Ultimate cool guy of forever!!

Cool guy of the day part 3

Cool guy of the day part 2

Cool guy of the day