I am really bored so I decided to make a list of my favourite movies of this past year. Some movies that might have been on the list but I haven't seen them are Sweeney Todd, Lars and the Real Girl, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, and Across the Universe. I really want to see all of them.
Number 13
I really enjoyed this movie. The genre has been done before yeah, but Danny Boyle has a reputation for re-definition and he certainly succeeded with this movie. The movie is set in the future when a crew is sent to the dying sun to set off a nuclear device in its core to give it a sort of a "jump start". If you haven't seen this movie then I really would suggest seeing it whenever you can.
Number 12
King of Kong: A fistful of quarters
This is definitely not going to appeal to everybody but it was a very good documentary. Its about a guy out to beat the record score for the game donkey kong. Doesn't sound very interesting? well you're wrong.
Number 11
Rescue Dawn
Christian Bale is one of the best actors ever. I also really enjoy most of Steve Zahns work as well. War movies also appeal to me. So far this movie has 3 things going for it. It follows a fighter pilot who has been shot down in Vietnam and then taken to a prison camp where he plots an escape. Everything about this movie is excellent, especially the acting.
Number 10
Jake Gylennhal? yes! How can someone not like him? This is definitely one of the best crime dramas in the past few years. It has a lot going for it, those bedroom eyes just top it all off.
Number 9
Hot Fuzz
If you don't like this movie there's something wrong with you. If you enjoyed Shaun of the Dead then you will enjoy this movie as well. How could you not love Simon Pegg? or british people? That just wouldn't make any bloody sense. Except Daniel Radcliffe, hes a homo.
Number 8
28 weeks later
The format of the original with the addition of large scale action and gore? very very awesome movie. That gory helicopter scene was memorable and amazing.
Number 7
3:10 to Yuma
Another awesome Christian Bale movie. You say you dont like westerns? well I dont like you or your mother. See this movie or you will be forever labeled a sissy.
Number 6
Gone Baby Gone
Yeah Ben affleck directed it and yes he did an amazing job, as well did Casey Affleck. The only thing I didn't really like was some of the actors Boston accents. You probably haven't seen it so you suck.
Number 5
Rocket Science
I didn't know what to really expect or really even know much of the plot when I watched this movie but I was very happy that I decided to watch it. Its about a stuttering high school student who is recruited into the schools debate team. Its one of those movies where you really actually start to care for the main character. If you have a brain you will see this.
Number 4
Yeah yeah yeah....its that popular indie flick everyones talking about. Pretty much everything about this movie was done excellent. Plain and simple. However, I did find the main character Juno to get kind of annoying. The indie music kinda gets old too and Michael Cera is not in it that much.
Number 3
I think I love Judd Apatow and his usual actors he has in his movie, especially Seth Rogen. This movie makes dick and vag jokes seem like they could never go out of style.
Number 2
No Country For Old Men
This movie is just good. I don't even know what to say about it except that its good. Javier Bardem plays the best psychopathic killer I have ever seen. Good job Coen brothers, good job indeed.
Number 1
Knocked up
I saw this movie three times at the theater. Everything in it is amazing. If you think this movie wasn't anything but awesome then you're on the same level for critiquing movies as Helen Keller you dumbass.
Im gonna go play some Rock Band now.