Wednesday, January 16, 2008

wanna go see cloverfield?

Cloverfield starts this Friday. I am debating on whether to take my brother(s) or to ask someone I know to go with me. Who knows? Not me apparently. I want to see it with someone who will enjoy it at least as half as much as I do. Speaking of Cloverfield that makes me think of know with that connection with J.J. Abrams and whatever. I am very excited for LOST to start again and anyone who isn't should be shot, or at least bitch slapped. I am in need of watching at least the last 5 or so episodes from season 3 just to get me in the mood before the 31'st so I should probably get on that soon.

I have seen some really good movies this past week, probably some that I would put in my top 10 movies of 2007. Those movies being Juno, Rocket Science, and There Will Be Blood. If you have seen any of these congratulations on being cool. If not, then you suck and will not gain any respect from seeing them after I have mentioned them here, even if you don't even read this and then tell me later that you saw them and liked em. Yeah that's right.

My brothers are awake now. I have been sleeping 6 pm to 2 am lately which has been really good for working out since I like going for runs at 4 in the morning. Something about that quiet. Anyways, I'm going to make them breakfast.

Lost Season 3 recap indeed.

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