So I had an interesting week. One where I felt a little bit like an idiot so I don't really want to get into writing about that too much. Yesterday though I went and helped Kaityy paint her new room a light shade of blue, I forget what the colour was called but I enjoy it. We then went to see Iron Man with Kaityy and Brittany which I thought was really good. I had high expectations for it so I wasn't really blown away although that doesn't mean it wasn't one of the best comic book movie adaptions to date.
I was invited to the weekly one tree hill night again this week but I am not sure if I am going to go yet. I just don't really know if it is my kind of show. Maybe I need to give it another chance? I'm not really sure but I do know some of the girls in it are pretty attractive so that could be the factor that affects my decision. I know, typical guy, but whatever.
I am still waiting for my army money to arrive as well as my tax return. I really want this money to come like as soon as possible because I am broke at the moment. Speaking of broke I need a job. I am planning on printing off some resumes tonight and then getting my mom to drive me around tomorrow. I am hoping I don't have to work at a call center but if that's what I have to do for now then I guess I will have to do that.

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