Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day of Lovers

So Valentines day is approaching!

I can say that I am very excited for it. Only because I am with someone I love though. I hope that everyone that will be alone out there finds someone by next years valentines day because it may be a corny holiday but its definitely a good excuse to do something romantic and fun.

My plans were supposed to be a secret with Avery but then my mom talked about it in front of her and kinda ruined most of the surprise; thanks mom! But thats ok I guess.

We are going to be driving to London on saturday morning and then spending time with my sister for lunch I think. We are then going to go and check into the hotel and have some drinks before dinner. I got us dinner reservations at moxies. I have never been but I have heard really good things and looking at the menu the food looks really good as well. So I am excited for that. I also think I have my dinner picked out too; Steak and prawns or the shanghai noodles and chicken or prawns. After dinner its off to a movie!! We are gonna see coraline if its in 3d at the theater and if it isn't we might see friday the 13th instead. I want to see both so it doesnt really matter but coraline in 3d would be better. Then obviously after that its back to the hotel for more drinking and then probably passing out really late!!

Should be a fun day!

I don't know what we're doing the next day but if we arent staying in London then its Kaityys bithday dinner! But I should probably find out the plans soon...Im thinking tomorrow.

Remember how I said I wanted to get the prawns? Well I have never tried them before and for some reason I want to try them. I have no idea why because they are really creepy looking things. Heres a picture to see what I mean.

So they are pretty much like shrimp when they are peeled but they look pretty gross. I think it may be the big eyes? but I am not sure. I watched a video of some guy on youtube eating them alive and it almost made avery puke. Good times!

P.s. - I am still craving sushi. Hopefully get some this weekend in London. If not I can get some cheap stuff from the real canadian superstore sushi bar. Not nearly as good though.

P.s.s - My valentines post from last year...So emo.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Holiday of love

Oh yeah happy valentines to all the lonely single people out there.

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