Friday, May 29, 2009

topic of the day - Susan Boyle and people who shouldn't be famous

What is the deal with this? It is just another person who can sing well. There are many people in the world like her but the only reason she is so popular is because she is not attractive by mainstream. Since when did someones singing ability have to be linked with their appearance? Sometimes society just bugs me. Sure she is a good singer but I do not feel that she deserves any more attention then anyone else who can do exactly the same thing.

A group of people who should not be so famous are people who get that way just because they like more then the normal amount of kids fall out of their vagina's, and I am sure after the first couple that's what happens! (octomom or any of those big family shows on TLC)

I guess I just don't understand why some people get so much attention when there are many others who do the same thing and get little to nothing in comparison.

"hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" - Susan Boyle in a low grunty voice

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