Monday, May 10, 2010

So today was the first day back to school and also the first day of the digital media arts program. It is pretty wild to comprehend that I will be taking this class for the next 18 months!!! Crazy....speaking of which. I really need to actually have a conversation with someone in the class tomorrow so hopefully I can make some friend soon. You know since I will be having pretty much all my classes with them for the next 18 months? yeah probably a good idea.


Vicki said...

Everyone is probably feeling the same way Aaron. Just find someone who's wearing something you like, tell them you like it, ask where they got it... and go from there! Good luck!

How are the classes going? Toronto?

Hope all is well!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Starting new classes I always stress about "having to make new friends" so I'm not such a loner for the rest of the semseter...year...Haha so I totally know what ya mean.

Hope it went well...btw, digital media arts program eh, wicked!